The Man From Beijing

Azalik ez

Henning Mankell: The Man From Beijing (EBook, 2010, Random House Publishing Group)


English hizkuntza

2010ko api. 4a(e)an Random House Publishing Group(e)n argitaratua.

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5 izar (berrikuspen 1)

A brutal revenge story that is both a gripping police procedural and a chilling political thriller.One cold January day the police are called to a sleepy little hamlet in the north of Sweden where they discover a savagely murdered man lying in the snow. As they begin their investigation they notice that the village seems eerily quiet and deserted. Going from house to house, looking for witnesses, they uncover a crime unprecedented in Swedish history. When Judge Birgitta Roslin reads about the massacre, she realises that she has a family connection to one of the couples involved and decides to investigate. A nineteenth-century diary and a red silk ribbon found in the forest nearby are the only clues. What Birgitta eventually uncovers leads her into an international web of corruption and a story of vengeance that stretches back over a hundred years, linking China and the USA of the 1860s …

23 edizio